Warm. Smooth. Soothing. If that’s what you’re looking for in a voice over for your e-learning project or on-hold message, then you’ve come to the right place.

Professional Recording
My home recording studio aims to give professional recording results on time and on budget.
Demo Reel
Here’s a minute-long example of the range of voice-over I can provide, from soothing to excited, conversational and even role-play.
Podcast Experience
My previous experience includes creating a short fiction podcast and running it under the pen name Jessica Baverstock. Try a few sample episodes below.

Ep 7: Buried Jewels (with Cash Edison) – Baverstock's Allsorts: A Short Fiction Podcast
Open Communication
I want to hear what you expect to get out of the project and will keep you up to date as I work.
I aim to put as much passion into the audio as you’re putting into the rest of the project. Your project is my project.
The Personal Touch
I never outsource my communication or recording process. It’s all in-house, it’s all personal.
Ready to Work Together on Your Next Project?
If you’d like to get talking about how I can suit the needs of your voice-over project, click here to get in contact.